January 31, 2024

Categories: Podcast

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n this exciting and insightful episode, Sabine Gedeon, founder of She Leads Network and the host of the highly-rated podcast, She Leads Now, dedicated to women in leadership and business, delves into reshaping our perspective on networking. She underscores the significance of relationship building and social capital, drawing from her extensive 20-year experience in empowering individuals to advance in their professional and personal realms. Sabine shares invaluable insights on navigating the traditional challenges of networking, especially for women, and advocates for a more authentic and genuine approach.

Sabine’s expertise has guided clients in both startups and Fortune 500 companies, fostering their growth and development by overcoming mental barriers and enhancing their confidence, influence, and impact as leaders and change agents. Her transformative message is further amplified through her book, “Transformed: The Journey to Becoming.” Sabine holds a Master’s degree in Management and Organizational Leadership and is certified as both a Life Coach and Leadership Consultant from ICF-accredited institutions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Move away from the traditional and often forced networking model, focusing instead on building genuine relationships with others.
  • The success of networking begins with mindset. Sabine emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s motives, setting clear goals, and approaching networking with a positive mindset.
  • Have strategic conversations. Instead of starting with the common “What do you do?” initiate conversations with questions like “What brings you here?” or discussing shared interests. It’s about finding common ground and making the interaction more meaningful.
  • After networking events, particularly larger ones, utilize LinkedIn for efficient follow-ups. Sending personalized connection requests with a quick note and expressing gratitude within 24-48 hours helps maintain momentum.
  • Explore various networking activities aligned with your interests, whether it’s through sports, hobbies, or virtual events. The key is aligning networking efforts with personal and professional goals.
Sabine Gedeon Quote

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About Raven:

Hi, y’all! I’m Raven O’Neal, a diversely curious serial entrepreneur with over a decade of experience. But the fun doesn’t stop there. I’m also a mentor, wife, mother, and business expert. I see my business as an extension of all my personal and professional life experiences, embracing growth and learning from a few fumbles along the way.

Throughout my business journey, I’ve supported over 500 female-led startups, advised more than 200 founders 1:1, and played a role in facilitating over $100M in funding. My calling is to help women transform their businesses and lives through collaboration and partnerships. I look forward to being with you every step of the way on your journey to growth and transformation. If you want to join the conversation, be sure to hit Subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

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